A former manager at Total Nutricare, Mohsen “Max” Motamedian now leads the purchasing and sales division of PcBase, USA, a company that offers a range of consulting and information technology services to different industries. Mohsen Motamedian gives back to the community by supporting various nonprofit organizations, including the Child Foundation.
Established in 1994, the Child Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of lives of children who are living in poverty or hardship by providing necessities and access to education. To accomplish its goal, the Child Foundation organizes several campaigns, one of which is the Warm and Safe Classrooms for Sistani Children.
In response to the tragic incident involving a classroom fire in the city of Zahedan, Iran, in December 2018, the Child Foundation reached out to local school authorities to investigate and identify classrooms with heaters that threaten the safety of the children. The local school authorities identified at least 200 classrooms that require heater replacement, and requested 40 Conex units. Conex units are modified steel containers that serve as temporary classrooms while classrooms undergo renovation.
Currently, the Child Foundation has raised the required amount to purchase all 200 heaters, which have been ordered and shipped to the schools. The foundation continues to complete the funding for the 40 new Conex units.